Grow Your Business
Not Only Solutions
For Your Business Success But
Business And Personal Taxation.
Tax Returns – Advice – Superannuation – Mentoring
We Are An Extension Of Your Team.

New Business & Start-ups
Do you have a dream or desire to start your own business? Have you worked out a plan of action, do you have any idea of your expenses for the first 6 months, will you make a profit?
Your goal may be financial freedom, having the satisfaction of working for yourself, or operating a thriving business with plenty of action and creativity enabling you to make money, contribute to others, society and yourself.
Some important facts: An estimated 90% of new start-ups fail.
Around 20% – 34% of start-ups close within the first 2 years.
Just over 50% of businesses make it to the 15 year mark.
It doesn’t have to be that way. It’s not the lack of goals or enthusiasm that causes failure in business Start-ups, it’s the lack of know how, and the sequence of actions required along the way.
We have a ‘Business Start-Up Package’ that covers everything you’ll need from Business Structures, Marketing, Cash Flow Management, etc, so you’re all set-up to maximise your chances of business success.

Taxation Compliance
At Robertson Accounting we are trained tax professionals and Certified Practising Accountants. With taxation compliance, whether it be individual or business returns ranging from Sole Trader, Partnership, Family Trust, Unit Hybrid Trusts, Company or Rental Properties, our aim is to legally minimise your tax – to get the best result or refund, and to assist you in future tax planning – so your tax is never a problem and you can concentrate on running your business and creating wealth.
Be it a simple tax issue or dealing with the ATO regarding a tax debt or more complex matters such as overseas income, we have found there are always solutions, as long as the issue is addressed and not ignored. If you are in any doubt it’s key to get advice first. With an ever changing tax environment and efforts by the Taxation Office to collect taxes, along with it’s implementation of more complex regulations, life is not easy for businesses. It is now more important that ever, that you are ‘all over’ this area to avoid it becoming a problem.

Cash Flow Management
Most businesses know Cash is King, but many don’t have a methodology to manage cash, pay bills, or even accurately predict cash flow needs. It’s the management of cash that ensures solvency! We have proven systems available, that when implemented, ensure solvency in the true sense of the word – having more money than bills. But, that said, it takes discipline, correct policy and implementation. Robertson Accounting is able to assist you as a Virtual CFO (Chief Financial Officer) for the daily or monthly management of cash or in projecting your cash needs.
If there was ever a time for the need of proper and careful cash management, that time is now!

taxation Planning
Taxation Planning begins at the start of the financial year and is reviewed regularly through out the year. It should not be left until the accounts and tax returns are done, which can be many months after year end. It starts with the correct tax minimising structures in place, a review of profits, minimally on a quarterly basis, implementation of various year end tax minimisation strategies looked at before 30th June, plus an allocation of funds setaside for tax. There should be no surprises regarding tax. You should know your business and personal tax position before the end of the year, and have it accounted for in terms of cash so it does not create a problem. We can work closely with you and advise you.
Measure And Predict Business Growth

Mentors & Advisors
It’s important that business owners have someone to talk to, to plan the business with, as well as someone to “hold them accountable” for the targets and plans they set. And to be there when things don’t go to plan as well as someone to bounce ideas off. Experience counts, after being in business and owning various businesses for over 30 years, we have a unique insight and knowledge as to how to run a successful business, we’ll support and guide you through the uncertainty and into independent confidence and prediction.

Covid - 19
Are you fed up with it all? We don’t blame you. You shouldn’t have to wade through reams of Government information on the subject. At Robertson Accounting we’ll make sure that you’re getting ALL your entitled to, whether it be Job Keeper one, two and three, or State Government grants and CBD Small Hospitality grants. If you are entitled to them you need to get them, we can assist you for little or no cost in this area.

Are you confused about bookkeeping, are the books running you, a distraction from your business, inaccurate and giving you a headache because you can’t understand them?
We are fully conversant with accounting packages, be it Xero, QuickBooks, or Myob. Our specialists can do the books for you resulting in meaningful and timely information for decision making, allowing you to concentrate and know what actions to take next when you’re running your business. Whether you’re a tradie or running an importing business, bookkeeping should not be a burden, but a vital part of the business as it’s the basis for accurate records and future planning.

Asset Protection/
Succession Planning
From our experience, sadly most business owners are ignorant of what can be done to protect not only their business, but their hard earned assets. The business is started with no thought as to asset protection or succession planning. Only when some incident occurs some years down the track when the owner retires is it considered. No matter whether you are a small, medium, or large business, it is important that the correct structures are in place and the relationships between these structures are bullet proof if anything goes wrong. This dovetails in with succession planning and wills, so that you know your assets are secure now and into the future, and you can weather any storm that may come alomg.
Get Your Free Business Survival Guide Here
Who We Are & What We Do
Robertson Accounting is a CPA qualified, Accounting Taxation and
Business Advisor. Established for over 40 years. Our primary focus is improving financial position, viability and profitability, through professional and personalised services, to corporate, small and medium sized business.
We provide taxation and financial solutions that enable our clients to secure their financial future and business success. Principal, and Founder Alex Robertson has over 40 years business and accounting experience as the principal and director of a number of companies and charitable institutions, in the following areas, Furniture Retail & Manufacturing, Retail Clothing, Motivational Businesses, and Charitable Institutions, as well as Importing, to name just a few.
He knows what is involved when it comes to getting finance, selling products, hiring staff and putting your own assets on the line.
When is comes to re-financing, we have alliances with with a number of Financial Planners to allow you a choice when it comes to what best suits your needs.
We service and advise clients large and small, enabling them to
handle and plan expansion, submit Taxation Returns, compile and plan Superannuation as well as, set up and control Cashflow and Profit & Loss prediction.
CPA qualified, we not only take an interest in your business, but your financial position as well, no matter how small your business or where you’re starting from. From experience we know each business has it’s own tax requirements, what is deductible, and what isn’t, as well as the individual financial position.
With an extensive client base covering many industries, we service trades and professions such as Advertising-Marketing, Architectural Services, Plumbers, Electricians, Plasterers, Builders, Car Washes, Cafes, Pump Manufacturers, Cleaners and Mechanics. Robertson Accounting is well positioned to care for you and service your business. Each unindividual and organisation has their own unique tax requirements and wealth creation strategies needs.
Alex Robinson – Founder & Principal

Organisations We Work With

Level 27 – 101 Collins St, Melbourne, Vic, 3000
27 Steetley Lane, Mount Edgerton, Vic, 3352
p: 03 9653 9522
P.O. Box 354 Niddrie Victoria 3042